Saturday, May 30, 2015

Indonesia conducts first test firing of Exocet from Bung Tomo corvette

The Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) has fired an Exocet anti-ship missile from a Bung Tomo-class corvette for the first time.

The test, in which a MM40 Block 2 version of the missile was fired from first-of-class KRI Bung Tomo (357), was conducted on 28 May in the Java Sea and witnessed by senior navy leaders, including TNI-AL chief of staff Vice Admiral Ade Supandi.

A source close to the TNI-AL told IHS Jane's that the missile was fired at the lead Kupang-class 43 m landing craft utility (LCU) ship, KRI Kupang (582), which was decommissioned in May.

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