Saturday, May 30, 2015

Can China's aircraft radar systems compete?

Su-30Mk2 FlankerRecently a photograph of a Sukhoi Su-34 strike fighter carrying a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) pod has been circulating online, which gives the fighter-bomber greater long-range reconnaissance capabilities, according to Sina's military news web portal.

Many new generation battlefield and airspace surveillance aircraft are now being equipped with SAR pods, as they give them day and night all-weather air detection capabilities. Some of the more popular SAR pods include the Israeli EL/M-2060P and the French Raphael Side Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR).

The US Air Force have previously tested the EL/M 2060P on the F-16 Fighting Falcon, as well as installing the SAR pod of the MQ-1 Predator drone on the F-16.

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