Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Expert: China's development of military strength is moderate

Type 096 Tang-class SSBN"The US is simply having ulterior motives in playing up the fallacy that the nuclear force of the Navy of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLAN) will exceed that of America in 2020.

Some in the US made this judgment based on a wrong logic that 'rapid economic growth is bound to lead to huge military expansion'."

China implements a strategic concept of active defense, and China's development of military strength has always been effective and moderate, Li Jie, military expert of the PLAN, said in an interview.

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  1. Anonymous19/5/15 09:13

    The US has 20000 nm enough to destroy China a thousand times.The problem is China can retaliate ,unlike Japan 1945 when the a bomb was dropped,to cause massive damage .
    This is afact and no matter what the US does ie installing more missile shield,etc it can't stop this destruction unleass it can destroy every PLA nm.This is an impossible job and the PLA will make sure at least 50 to a hundred nm can be launched .

  2. Anonymous20/5/15 10:04

    The US is used to fighting countries which can't hit back except on the battlefield. Though China is vastly inferior ,it s forces can retaliate by striking US overseas bases and the US homeland.This has made the Pentagon edgy.
    China aint aiming for parity with US power. The capability to inflict near assured/assured destruction is what is driving the PLA to achieve.It doesn't matter if you can deliver a thousand nm when a hundred will do the job.
    China will make sure it aint naked and defenceless like in the past.
    That is why the PLA is investing in weapons which can shrink the time to strike US targets.It is going to happen soon unless the US provokes a war in the SC Sea to destroy China. It aint going to be easy.This is 2015 and China will be prepared for any punches.


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