Thursday, October 30, 2014

PLA shows off sub power sending Changzheng 2 to Persian Gulf

Type-091 (Han) class SSNBy sending the Changzheng 2, a Type 091 Han-class nuclear-powered submarine to Sri Lanka and the Persian Gulf last month, the People's Liberation Army Navy of China is demonstrating its force projection capability to the United States, according to the Moscow-based Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

China is believed by Western observers to have a total of 71 submarines in service or in development, including obsolete conventional-powered submarines and advanced nuclear-powered submarines which are able to launch anti-ship missiles.

Among them, the most powerful are its three Type 094 Jin-class ballistic missile submarines, which are all able to fire JL-2 second-generation intercontinental-range ballistic missiles with a range of 8,000 kilometers.

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