Saturday, October 25, 2014

Kongsberg showcased a Vertical Launch Joint Strike Missile (VL JSM) during AUSA 2014

Vertical Launch Joint Strike Missile (VL JSM)AUSA 2014 (Association of the US Army) may be an army event (which our affiliate website Army Recognition was covering) an eminently naval product was showcased, from our knowledge for the first time, at the Kongsberg booth: A vertical launch version of the Norwegian company's anti-ship missile.

Nobody at the Kongberg booth at AUSA could comment on the reason why this model was showcased at an army event, and nobody could confirm if it was the first time Kongsberg was showing a vertical launch version of the missile. From our own knowledge it very much was.

Navy Recognition exclusively reported on the submarine launch version of the NSM back in June while covering Balt Military Expo in Poland.

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