Friday, October 24, 2014

CNO on Ohio Replacement Submarine: ‘We’re Going to Build It’

Ohio class SSBNThe chief of naval operations (CNO) affirmed to a fraternity of current and former submariners that the Navy is committed to building the next generation of ballistic-missile submarine (SSBN).

Speaking Oct. 23 to an audience of the Naval Submarine League in Falls Church, Va., ADM Jonathan W. Greenert said the replacement to the Ohio-class SSBN “is our No. 1 program. That is the one we have to get right.”

“There is a strong commitment for Ohio Replacement,” said James Thomsen, principal civilian deputy to the assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development and acquisition, noting that the Navy-industry team has the strong peer-to-peer relationships necessary to build and run a stable program.

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