Monday, October 20, 2014

CMN Unveils the Innovative OCEAN EAGLE 43 Mine Hunter for Euronaval 2014

OCEAN EAGLE 43Following the innovative ship concepts unveiled in the past few years (such as the Ocean Eagle 43, the Combattante SWAO 53 and FS56) CMN, the Cherbourg based shipyard, unveils for Euronaval 2014 yet another innovation: The OCEAN EAGLE 43 MH.

Building on the experience gained during the development of the OCEAN EAGLE 43, whose first units will be put in the water at the end of 2014, CMN has declined its iconic trimaran design in mine warfare version with strong multirole capabilities.

The OCEAN EAGLE 43 MH is a high-performance compact mine warfare trimaran vessel. It is multirole platform as it may conduct:

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