Friday, September 26, 2014

China's Neighbors Are Going On a Military Shopping Spree — In Japan

Bizan class PBIt's no secret that China's rise as an economic power has been miraculous. Over the past few decades, hundreds of millions of people have been lifted out of poverty, BMWs have replaced many bicycles on the streets of Beijing, and China's is now the second-largest economy in the world.

This economic explosion has in turn boosted the fortunes of China's regional neighbors and trading partners — but they're not entirely happy about China's newfound power. Because in addition to having the world's second-largest economy, China is also the second-largest spender on arms in the world — with a military to match.

Neighboring countries feel they're being pushed around by an aggressive Chinese foreign policy, and as a result, they're continuing to beed up their own militaries. And it's Japan, China's historical rival, that is quietly providing assistance to many countries that — like Japan itself — are feeling the heat from China.

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