Monday, July 29, 2013

N-powered sub Arihant all set to sail out from Vizag

INS ArihantIndigenously built nuclear-powered submarine, INS Arihant, is finally set to sail out from its base at Vishakhapatnam.

The 6,000-tonne submarine, armed with nuclear missiles, is ready after years of efforts interspersed with sanctions in 1998 and impediments due to non-availability of cutting-edge technology.

“The nuclear reactor that will power the submarine can be formally declared ‘critical’ anytime now, while the nuclear-tipped missiles to be launched from underwater are in place,” sources said.

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  1. Tooba mansoor29/7/13 10:27

    India's continuous efforts of developing SLBMs and ballistic missiles show that India is heading forward to increase the level of arms race in South Asia thus putting Pakistan's security at stake. It will definitely alter the strategic balance in the region.

  2. My dear friend why don't you take it other way around. Instead take it this way that India has achieved technology advancement.

  3. u r right...sure pak will do it...but they have already done it...agosta 90 which is near to Scorpene submarine of France...with the help of France

  4. Any money India has should be better spent on it's hundreds of millions of impoverished people! What a disgrace.


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