Thursday, May 02, 2013

New Israeli submarines can’t be ‘solely for defensive purposes’

Dolphin-class submarine |The delivery of a fifth Dolphin-class submarine to Israel from Germany is a worrying “ratcheting up” of tensions in the Middle East, according to two leading anti-nuclear campaigners.

The deployment of INS Rahav, allegedly capable of launching cruise missiles with nuclear warheads, to the Israeli navy has set off a number of worrying alarm bells, Jeremy Corbyn, the British MP and deputy head of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament tells RT.

“It’s very hard to see how these submarines that Germany is supplying to Israel can be solely for defensive purposes, because there is no sea-based threat to Israel and Israel needs to get on board with the rest of the region and talk peace and talk about the signature they’ve already given to the Mediterranean weapons of Mass Destruction free zone. The delivery of these submarines is yet one more ratcheting up of the danger.”

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