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Friday, February 08, 2013

Farewell to 'Principe de Asturias' after 25 years of service

His Royal Highness the Prince of Asturias, accompanied by Minister of Defence, the Chief of Staff of the Navy and a number of other military dignatories was present at la base naval de Rota today marking the official farewell ceremony of the aircraft carrier 'Principe de Asturias', following its 25 years of service.

After being greeted by the authorities, Don Felipe attended a lecture on the history of the aircraft carrier.

Then, from the bridge, the Prince watched a naval demonstration involving the strategic projection ship LHD 'Juan Carlos I' and the frigates' Reina Sofia 'Victoria' and 'Santa Matría'. The flypast was carried out by four 'Harrier AV8' aircraft belonging to the 9th naval on Flotilla Navy aircraft which made one pass.

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