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Friday, November 09, 2012

Seven US Navy SEALs Shared Classified Info for Video Game

Medal of Honor: WarfighterSeven officers from the US Navy SEALs, which is an elite part of force that operates on secret missions, were disciplined for revealing classified information for a video game, CBS News reported.

According to CBS News, all seven of them worked for two days as paid consultants for a recently released video game “Medal of Honor: Warfighter.”

It was not specified what secrets they exactly gave to the Electronic Arts, which produced the game, but one of the game’s missions portrays an attack on Somali pirates, a mission that could be carried out by SEALs in reality.

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1 comment:

  1. Our "Gov" has exploited these warriors for the good of campaigns; this is much adu about nothing. Let their brother warriors handle anything they did wrong and I assure you it will mean more than anything the politicians could ever dream of.


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